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1. Enclave Publishing

Oasis Family Media owns Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio as well as the upcoming imprint Sky Turtle.

Lion Warrior by James R. Hannibal

The dragon war has breached the barrier.

The forces of the Liberated Land are near to breaking. Without a heavy and rapid shift in the Assembly’s strategy, a dragon invasion will be unstoppable.

Connor and Kara have kept the full knowledge of the Red Dagger’s location secret for almost a year. A chance to destroy Heleyor and end the war is within the Lightraider Order’s grasp. They must now reveal what they know and call for action.

Every path that lies before the cadets seems a great risk. The slightest misstep may cost them their lives, their loved ones, and their homeland. But to do nothing means certain failure. To succeed, they must charge ahead into dark uncertainty and trust the Rescuer.

Enclave Escape presents Lion Warrior, the third book in the Lightraider Academy series by James R. Hannibal. Available TODAY wherever fantastic books are sold. Order now online or ask for it at your favorite bookseller or your local library.

Also available in audio from Oasis Audio.

Oasis Family Media houses Oasis Audio, a leading publisher of inspirational and family-friendly audiobooks for adults and children. The Oasis catalog includes more than 1,200 titles, adding 175 new audiobooks annually—from popular children’s series to romance and suspense fiction to business and self-help titles.

Oasis Family Media owns Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio as well as the new imprint Sky Turtle Press.

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2. Liam Corley

Commander Tauran didn’t travel from the 26th century to kidnap a forgotten healer, but he will, if that’s what it takes to save his mutant son.

Commander Tauran didn’t travel from the 26th century to kidnap a forgotten healer, but he will, if that’s what it takes to save his mutant son.

To end the war between humans and their mutant offspring, Tauran recruits a criminal, a scientist, and a scholar to search for genes that will purge the mutation. But trusting each other turns out to be the real fight.

Changelings: Insurgence is a debut science fiction novel by Liam Corley published by MilSpeak Books.

Available wherever fine books are sold.

Lorehaven may use referral links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

3. Story Embers

The 2024 Story Embers Summit will help you discover how your faith intersects with your writing life when you’re struggling over a scene in your manuscript.

Are you a Christian writer looking for training that enriches you both as a writer and as a Christian?

The 2024 Story Embers Summit will help you discover how your faith intersects with your writing life when you’re struggling over a scene in your manuscript. Your faith doesn’t need to be on the sidelines of your writing journey.

Authors like Sara Ella, Steven James, Carla Hoch, and Thomas Umstattd Jr. are coming together to tackle the tough issues Christian writers wrestle with. The summit will help you grow your confidence through thought-provoking sessions, small group discussions over Zoom, and even a query letter workshop!

You can learn more about the 2024 Story Embers Summit and how the speakers can help you blend your faith & writing craft more effectively by visiting StoryEmbers.org/Summit.

Lorehaven may use referral links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.