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170. Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Human Creativity?

As we try using artificial intelligence to make upgraded books and images, we may find humanity itself getting downgraded.
Fantastical Truth on Jul 11, 2023 · Reply

Artificial intelligence won’t destroy human beings, but as we try using AI to upgrade culture, we may find humanity itself getting downgraded. Today, we will explore the promises and dangers of AI for artistic creations. How will machine-generated content enhance or impede our own creativity?

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  1. Enclave Publishing: The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock
  2. The Pop Culture Parent
  3. Lorehaven Summer Reading Challenge

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  • We’re talking about how stories are made, but mainly as observant fans.
  • We also focus on AI-generated art, as opposed to robot-revolution fears.
  • We’re not computer scientists so this is more of a layman’s take on AI.
  • Also, is this topic political? People often react like it is, but it’s really not.
  • AI is being wielded by all political factions and many nations.
  • People debate whether or how AI should be regulated; we won’t get into that.
  • But we encourage you to follow those developments on your own.
  • We’ll highlight some legitimate uses of AI with storytelling.

1. AI promises instant ‘expertise’ from storytellers

2. AI captivates us with hyper-personalized stories

3. AI smooths away the challenge of human adventure

Quotes and notes

Mission update

Next on Fantastical Truth

Zack and Stephen are headed to the Realm Makers conference, and we’re taking our portable studio with us. If you’re a Christian creator at this St. Louis event, stop by our Lorehaven booth in the vendor hall. This time we’ve planned some exclusive programming in our next episode after the event, especially about the 2022 Realm Awards banquet that celebrates fantastical tales.

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Fantastical Truth

    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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