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189. What Are the Best Books by C. S. Lewis?

Just in time for C. S. Lewis’s Nov. 29 birthday, we explore our favorites of the famous author’s nonfiction and fantastical stories.
Fantastical Truth on Nov 28, 2023 · Reply

Have we talked enough about C. S. Lewis at Lorehaven? Of course not. So let’s get ready for more! This week marks a new occasion called C. S. Lewis Reading Day, on Nov. 29. It’s founded by the Pints With Jack podcast, to celebrate our favorite quotes, fantasy, and nonfiction by the famed scholar of medieval literature and languages plus Christian fantastical truth. Today we tour our shelves full of Lewis’s work, and ask: which books are the best?

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  1. Enclave Publishing: Of Sea and Smoke by Gillian Bronte Adams
  2. Secret of the Lost Dragons by Phyllis Wheeler
  3. The Lorehaven Guild

1. What are C. S. Lewis’s best essays?

2. What are C. S. Lewis’s best nonfiction books?

3. What are C. S. Lewis’s best fantastical stories?

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What’s your favorite C.S. Lewis essay? Or nonfiction? Or fantasy?

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Next on Fantastical Truth

‘Tis the season for Christmas magic! We’re planning three final episodes for our 2023 season, including but not limited to: What did C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien think about their modern Christmases? Why should you give your children that most precious gift of the holiday season? How does The Lord of the Rings film trilogy hold up twenty years after Return of the King?

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Fantastical Truth
    Fantastical Truth

    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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