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41. Should Christians Boycott Popular Culture Like Halloween or Netflix? | with Cap Stewart

What could Christian boycotts of streaming services or holidays change in our culture or in ourselves?
Fantastical Truth on Nov 10, 2020 · Reply

This year, one of us at Fantastical Truth cancelled Netflix, and the other did not. Maybe you should too? Or maybe you are not actually “supposed” to join this “cancel culture.” More recently, we just had another Halloween, a subject of many boycotts. Should Christians join this habit of boycotting things? Will this change anything in them? Or could this change anything in ourselves?

Lorehaven, fall 2020Sponsored episode

  • Lorehaven’s new issue has released for fall 2020!
  • This includes our cover feature with Seventh City author Emily Hayse.
  • Get our review of this Arctic fantasy and Emily’s new article about it.
  • Plus more than 12 reviews of the best Christian-made fantasy we can find.
  • Subscribe at for updates.
  • We’re planning upgrades in 2021. You’ll not want to miss this news.

Exploring boycott ‘cancel culture’ with Cap Stewart

Cap Stewart is a contributing writer to the nonfiction book Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues, edited by Joshua D. Chatraw and Karen Swallow Prior. Cap developed his love of stories through drama, radio, freelance writing and editing, videography, independent filmmaking, and collecting and reviewing film scores. He has written for several print and online publications. Cap instructs online audiences on the Christian’s forgotten duty when confronting a pornified culture. He has written several articles for Lorehaven’s blog and has been blogging at Happier Far since 2006.

Cap Stewart

Some of Cap’s relevant articles include:

We explore questions such as:

  1. First let’s talk about Netflix and That Movie. What’s our response to this?
  2. How have Christians understood “boycotts” in the past and present?
  3. Is this just a “culture war,” like newer, secular versions of “cancel culture”?
  4. Should we avoid, say, Netflix or Halloween even for non-“boycott” reasons?
  5. What are good and uniquely biblical reasons to avoid nudity in movies?
  6. How do we see the early Church avoiding/engaging their pagan culture?
  7. How can we avoid/support so we can grow, and maybe influence others?

Fantastic fans

David Umstaddt wrote about episode 39:

I’ve been trying to tell people how Christian and profound the Dracula book is.

Alas it seems there hasn’t been a good adaptation that really “gets” Dracula.

The board game Fury of Dracula is probably the best adaptation I’ve seen.

I REALLY want that shirt with that Bram Stoker quote on it. The one about novelists job being to emulate Christ in long form.

Next on Fantastical Truth

What if you lived in an Arctic-like frontier, trying to survive despite the Invaders who keep moving into your native land? Then the Invaders kidnapped your brother, who told the captain the secret location of a lost treasure? Explore the award-winning fantasy novel Seventh City with us and author Emily Hayse!

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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