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32. What Five Questions Help Us Engage Popular Culture for God’s Glory? | The Pop Culture Parent, part 2

These five questions from The Pop Culture Parent can help us engage our messy popular culture, and teach our kids to do the same.
Fantastical Truth on Sep 8, 2020 · Series: · Reply

If God gave humans the gift of making culture, including popular culture, what does that mean for us now? How does human sinfulness corrupt our stories and songs, despite the good reflections in these gifts? And what five questions can help us engage the messy mix of popular culture, and—for Christian parents and leaders—teach our kids to do the same?

Zack and Stephen continue exploring Stephen’s new book The Pop Culture Parent.

Episode sponsor: The Pop Culture Parent

This book has now arrived from New Growth Press! Here’s the book’s back cover:

Knowing how to deal with popular culture as a parent can be overwhelming. How can you entered into your children’s lives and connect with their interests but still point them toward Jesus? Many parents fear the influence of popular culture or ignore it altogether. This guide equips parents to raise grace-oriented disciples and cultural missionaries in a post-Christian world.

“Ted Turnau and his friends Stephen Burnett and Jared Moore have articulated essential counsel for parents struggling to adopt the right attitudes toward guiding their children, and themselves, into being ‘in the world but not of it.’”

William Edgar, apologetics professor at Westminster Theological Seminary

“In The Pop Culture Parent, Ted Turnau, Stephen Burnett, and Jared Moore not only effectively remind us that the gospel is relevant to every square inch of our lives but also practically equip us to parent our children with wisdom and discernment. A helpful, thoughtful, and encouraging book.”

Bruce Riley Ashford, Provost and professor of Theology and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; author of Letters to an American Christian and The Gospel of Our King

“As parents of four and a wide age range, my wife and I just entered our fourth decade with small children in our home. The struggle to raise children to know and honor the Lord in a fallen world is real! The Pop Culture Parent is a wonderful and welcomed resource to help parents leverage culture as we seek to ground our children in the gospel. I only wish it would have been written sooner!”

Paul Chitwood, President of the International Mission Board

“This book gives us clarity of vision on how parents and kids can navigate the confusing and complex works of entertainment around them. If your desire is to give a Christ-centered vision of enjoying and engaging culture, then The Pop Culture Parent is most certainly for you.”

Mike Cosper, Author of Recapturing the Wonder; director of Podcasting at Christianity Today

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Episode summary

1. Popular culture is God’s gift, but it’s been corrupted by sin.

  • We cannot extol popular culture without dealing with sin.
  • Now our culture and popular culture has been distorted by sinful idolatry.
  • That’s why it’s healthy to be cautious about popular culture.

2. Jesus redeems us, so he can redeem popular culture today (and forever?).

  • Even in a sinful world, broken/spiritually people reflect God’s purpose.
  • Today God’s common grace preserves morality in our hearts (Rom. 2:14-15).
  • If we see the Cultural Mandate as forever, then culture may last forever.
  • One way or another, we’re dealing with eternal realities here.

3. In light of the gospel, try these five simple questions about popular culture!

  • What is the story?
  • What is the moral and imaginary world?
  • What is good, true, and beautiful in this world (common grace)?
  • What is false and idolatrous in this world?
  • How is Jesus the true answer to this story’s hopes?

Fantastic fans

Listener “davycrackers” wrote this Apple Podcasts review:

Not just reviews of books… Not just topical Christian discussion… But well thought out, careful and well-phrased biblically sound insights into the enjoyment and discernment of fiction. One of the things I personally love most about this podcast is how much Christian fiction-lovers and writers camaraderie it creates. It makes me feel part of something… It also so frequently reminds me of the bigger story of God’s glory I live every day of my life. Thank you Lorehaven!

Next on Fantastical Truth

It’s one joy to read or watch heroes in fantastical worlds. But what’s it like to actually bring these characters to life in a theater setting? Or to help guide the production of live performances for families and churches? Zack has invited a friend of his, Christian Youth Theater director Julie Novak, to help us explore how we better develop Christlike character by playing fantastic heroes.

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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