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Discover 1,427 listed novel titles and 327 reviews of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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The Armoire

A young woman comes to realize her life’s purpose through discovering a secret in her grandmother’s armoire.
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A Marriage in Time, Anna M. Aquino

A Marriage in Time

One divine encounter thrusts Lacy Stevens into biblical history and will change her life.
“Anna M. Aquino paints a rich historical setting for a timeless tale of the bondage of sin, the impact of the choices we make, and the power of forgiveness.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2018
An Ember in Time, Anna M Aquino

An Ember In Time

In a time where Pastor Jon Stevens feels like he has lost his hope, one divine encounter will change his life.


Young physicist and archaeologist Trevor Pendleton is tasked with assembling a team to unravel the mysteries of the natural and supernatural that threaten to ravage mankind and rip the world apart.
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The Book Beyond Time

Marcus MacMillan is driven to pursue a crazy vision concerning PathOne — the route that is detailed in The Book Beyond Time, a mysterious ancient volume.

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