Discover 1,378 listed novel titles
and 329 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels from Howard Books
Cult escapee Wynter Roth finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse her former cult taught her to fear all her life.
Tosca Lee mixes chilling, cracking suspense with thoughtful character growth, as readers follow Wynter’s frightening present while also recalling her perma-frosted past.
Dane and Mandy, a popular magic act for forty years, are separated by a car wreck. Then Mandy awakes in the past, with truly magical abilities.
Frank Peretti’s last novel creates a romantic world with sci-fi flourishes where likeable heroes, villain twists, and familiar places sell a dramatic performance.
Four friends find themselves suddenly thrust into an alternative dimension—the realm of Welken, an idyllic kingdom under attack by Morphane the Soul Swallower.