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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Lucy McAllen was your typical snarky teen, until she got shipped off to boarding school in New York City. Now she’s unraveling a centuries-old mystery hidden behind the scenes. And discovering powers she never knew she had.
Greensboro has fallen. For ex-reverend Jeff Weldon and those under his care, it is a losing battle, but the tale turns with the return of his brother Dras.
The hottest new thing on the street is a virtual reality experience that makes crack cocaine look like cotton candy. Only one side effect: it’s lethal.
Are Stan Marino’s daughter’s disturbing visions of the future a lifesaving gift, or a curse that will draw him back to the war he can’t hope to win?
Angel doesn’t remember her magical heritage … but it remembers her. Magic and science collide when she embarks on a journey to her true home, and to herself.
Gizile follows her mysterious teacher, Tok, as they look into the ice of an ocean pool to contemplate a series of strange and mystical visions. Book 1 of the Splashdown science fiction and fantasy series, short-story compilation for all ages.
When the demon Beltrid demands that Sisko use his supernatural ring for evil, Sisko’s refusal turns his world upside down. Trapping Sisko’s wife, Beltrid sends Sisko and his teenage children on a journey to free her. Book 2 of the The Reality Chronicles series, fantasy for teen readers and older.
In the city of Balal stands an archway of stone, a portal that opens doorways to other times and places. Lehkahn the elf pursues his nemesis through this gateway and finds himself in future Earth. Book 1 of the Tales of the Portal series, fantasy/science fiction for readers of all ages.
A mystical ring binds Sisko to bless others with miracles and avoid using its power for himself, which would lead to a curse. With his friends, Sisko explores the emerging reality through his travels and adventures. Book 1 of the The Reality Chronicles series, fantasy for teen readers and older.
Janitor and superhero fanboy Dave Johnson gets all his wishes at once when he’s given supernatural powers. Follow him as he fights crime and corruption while trying to keep his family together and avoid being sued for copyright infringement. By Adam and Andrea Graham.
On a prototype speed-of-light trip to Alpha Centauri, astronaut Brett Denton befriends the ship’s onboard computer Jay. But soon after Jay develops self-awareness and belief in God, one of them must make the ultimate sacrifice. Science fiction for adult readers by P.A. Baines.
Stan Marino needs a muse. He’s written himself into a corner … again. A shot of inspiration is all he needs to finish his story … where is he going to find it? What Stan doesn’t know: Inspiration has found him. And it’s about to take over his life. Contemporary fantasy for teen readers and older.