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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels from Splashdown Books
Lucy McAllen was your typical snarky teen, until she got shipped off to boarding school in New York City. Now she’s unraveling a centuries-old mystery hidden behind the scenes. And discovering powers she never knew she had.
Greensboro has fallen. For ex-reverend Jeff Weldon and those under his care, it is a losing battle, but the tale turns with the return of his brother Dras.
The hottest new thing on the street is a virtual reality experience that makes crack cocaine look like cotton candy. Only one side effect: it’s lethal.
Angel doesn’t remember her magical heritage … but it remembers her. Magic and science collide when she embarks on a journey to her true home, and to herself.
In the city of Balal stands an archway of stone, a portal that opens doorways to other times and places. Lehkahn the elf pursues his nemesis through this gateway and finds himself in future Earth. Book 1 of the Tales of the Portal series, fantasy/science fiction for readers of all ages.
Astronaut Brett Denton befriends the ship’s onboard computer Jay. But soon after Jay develops self-awareness and belief in God, one of them must make the ultimate sacrifice.