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As the quiet community of Antioch escalates in its religious fervor, Travis Jordan must questions his faith and the increasing extremism and zealotry overtaking the town.
“Twenty-five years after its summer 1999 publication, Frank Peretti’s The Visitation has aged beautifully, pitting one burned-out pastor versus church culture, heretical cults, and the quiet power of the true Christ.”
A lover’s heartbreaking search and the astonishing restoration. The Chataine’s guardian, Roman, sees his dreams fulfilled beyond his wildest hopes when the armies invading Lystra are felled by disease and Roman’s Commander, Galapos, assumes rulership of the country. Moreover, Roman […]
“I am assigning a guardian to ward you. His name is Roman. …” Thus begins Surchatain Karel’s explanation to his daughter, ten-year-old Chataine Deirdre, as to why her life is about to change dramatically. Karel’s small country, Lystra, possesses the […]