Kristian’s War

The writing is terse and focused on characters’ actions, making for a quick and enjoyable read.

Imagine if John Bunyan sought the help of John Rambo in writing an updated version of The Pilgrim’s Progress, filled with military action and modern firearms. The result might be like Peter Wisan’s Kristian’s War. Unfortunately, the story is set back by characters’ vague actions and decisions. Readers may empathize with the story’s pilgrim hero, Kristian, who suffers from a feeling of dissatisfaction, but struggle to see why following the path will help Kristian. More time explaining Kristian’s need for a Prince to die to set him free from his burden of sin would have improved the story. However, the writing is terse and focused on characters’ actions, making for a quick and enjoyable read.

Best for: Male readers, late teens and older; any reader interested in firearms and the military.

Discern: Lots of violence, including people being murdered.

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