Realms of Light
Cera longs for freedom and belonging, but the artwork around her shows only pain and loneliness. In this conclusion to Mortal Sight, Cera struggles to accept her part in the world and prove her power is not dangerous. Author Sandra Fernandez Rhoads creatively uses classical art and Milton’s writing to give Cera necessary information to fight the darkness, drawing readers deeper into this urban fantasy world. Meanwhile, Rhoads’s own prose sketches a world where Cera must decide if she will side with the light side—even if its representatives are not the bastions of virtue she believed—or join the dark side that paints a pretty utopia. As Cera makes difficult final choices, Mortal Sight pictures a satisfying conclusion.
Best for: Fans of epic stakes, unusual powers, or artists.
Discern: Heroes make hard choices in moral gray areas, scenes portray war violence.
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