The Lost Property Office

James R. Hannibal’s The Lost Property Office keeps a quick pace but takes time to explore English history and one young man’s surprising family legacy.

Jack’s father has disappeared in London. He might be dead. Still, Jack Buckles has always held this strange sense about deeper realities. Suddenly this 13-year-old everykid finds himself dashing about town, using his newfound powers to solve old mysteries while evading foreign villains and high-tech beetle-like drones that can zap things! Blimey! James R. Hannibal’s The Lost Property Office keeps a quick pace but takes time to explore English history and one young man’s surprising family legacy. Simple prose may over-dwell on small banter, yet focuses on wholesome family values and plain old courage that’s passed from generation to generation.

Best for: Older middle grade and pre-teen boys who love mystery adventure.

Discern: Hero uses superpower to see objects’ histories, explained as special human ability; PG-level action and intrigue, complete with captures, escapes, explosions, old statues with secret doors, things on fire, villain threats.

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