The Tomb of the Sea Witch

Quick humor and endearing characters make The Tomb of the Sea Witch a delight for new fans.

Kyle Robert Shulz’s second Beaumont and Beasley fantasy, The Tomb of the Sea Witch, dives into the truth behind the Little Mermaid legend. Nick Beaumont and his brother Crispin arrive at a school for enchanters, seeking to reverse the curse that left Nick changed into a fairy tale–era Beast. But they’ll need to manage a draconic headmaster and class schedules while avoiding greater dangers lurking just offshore. Action cuts through pages with the speed of the Nautilus. Quick humor and endearing characters make The Tomb of the Sea Witch a delight for new fans.

Best for: Teen fans of light-hearted fantasy with hints of romance and larger worlds.

Discern: Romantic subplots that include references to kissing and physical attraction, someone  possessed by an ancient villain, fights with undead skeletons, a dragon that makes frequent (joking?) references to barbecuing other characters.

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