
In the human world of Christa Conklin’s Tranquility, conflict and tension defer to the pleasantries of picnics with fairies and merfolk.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man gets his eye ripped out because he is different. In the human world of Christa Conklin’s Tranquility, similar differences are not welcomed. Drethene is a young lady whose red eyes stand out, and although she tries to hide her differences, others view her with suspicion and find her guilty of a crime in which she had no part. This is an arresting setup, but the story intervenes to downplay any struggles; that is, whenever Drethene appears to be in serious trouble, something happens to keep her from have too rough of a time. In the world of Tranquility, conflict and tension defer to the pleasantries of picnics with fairies and merfolk.

Best for: Teens and young adults.

Discern: Possible confusion about the message difference between two religious books, the Tranquility and the Sacred Writ.

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