‘Failstate’ The Novel Is Guaranteed Not To Fail

A fresh plot, coupled with likable characters and vivid writing, makes ‘Failstate’ an excellent read for all ages.
on Sep 19, 2012 · Share a reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

In Failstate by John Otte, Robin Laughlin lives a double life. Most of the time, he’s just your ordinary teenager, but every now and then, when duty calls, the mask goes on and Robin becomes Failstate, an amateur superhero. But when competing for an official government vigilante license on America’s Next Superhero sets him at odds with his brother Ben (aka. Gauntlet), and one of his co-competitors is murdered, life, like his powers, seems to be spiraling out of control.

Determined to find the killer, Robin struggles to overcome the odds and bring said super villain to justice. But each step he takes bring him closer to blows with his own brother. Will Robin track down the murderer? Or will the murderer catch him first?

I absolutely loved this book. I started reading it late one night and I was glued to my chair for the next several hours until I turned the last page and closed the book with a contented sigh. I highly enjoy superhero movies (the Avengers was awesome!) but this was the first time I had ever read a superhero book…and I look forward to more. I recently discovered that there are two more books coming in the series and I can’t wait to read them!

Failstate was a fast paced read with plenty of action, intrigue, sarcasm, and wit. From the first page, you can’t help rooting for Failstate…er, Robin…and hoping everything will work out for him!

John Otte did a wonderful job of bringing creative “powers” and new ideas to the realm of superheros and villains. A fresh plot, coupled with likable characters and vivid writing, makes Failstate an excellent read for all ages!

(Originally published at MaybeTeenAuthor.Blogspot.com.)

Gillian Bronte Adams is the sword-wielding, horse-riding, wander-loving fantasy author of The Songkeeper Chronicles. She is rarely found without coffee in hand and rumored to pack books before clothes when she hits the road. She loves to connect with fellow readers and wanderers on her website, Instagram, and Facebook page.

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