A Change In Tack

Well I don’t know how many of you have noticed how my posts have been rather short over the last few weeks. Probably everyone except for that blind mongoose in the corner over there.
I have to confess the reason behind this is because I’m feeling burnt out just a bit. Not on reading or writing sci-fi and fantasy, but in just kind of vaguely talking about the esoteric ideas and concepts. Discussing ideals and technicalities and such.
To be honest I’ve never been much of one to focus too much on exactly how something works. I much prefer to simply know that it does and let it be a bit magical.
So starting next week I’m going to begin doing something a little different. Something that will hopefully have interest to both writers and readers of Sci-fi and Fantasy. I’m going to begin chronicling my journey of actual writing. Though my motives are a bit selfish, because I enjoy talking about my own work the most, and to help keep me honest and writing.
Now maybe this is a bit foolish and dangerous. After all if I chronicle my writing thoughts and process here, what’s to keep someone from stealing all my ideas? Well at least I’ll have a documented record of them to prove that they were mine. Besides, this just sounds like a fun experiment (and isn’t totally unprecedented).
What I’m mostly hoping to do is let all of us explore together one person’s process of creation and discovery and writing. Give people an inside glimpse of how a writer goes about it. Don’t know how well I’ll succeed. But it should be interesting.
The story I’ll be chronicling is titled Chamber of Origins and is my first serious foray into the realm of fantasy. So be sure to come back next week for the first installment about how this story idea first began to germinate.
As a disclaimer, I will be entering this story into the ACFW Genesis Contest this year, so if you’re a judge who doesn’t want to know of any entrants well best hide your eyes on Tuesdays.
And finally, for those who want to see how strangely fiction and life can intermingle head over to Forensics and Faith to learn how Brandilyn Collins met fictional sci-fi writer S-man’s doppleganger in real life.
And swing by Scenes and Beans to read the latest post by Ted “S-man” Dawson (yours truly) about the weaponry of Karnian Light Infantry.
Share your fantastical thoughts.