And The Winner Is

The winner of the Spec Faith Fall Writer Challenge is

Eugene Black

on Oct 8, 2012 · 3 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

The winner of the Spec Faith Fall Writer Challenge is

Eugene Black


Special thanks to all of you who voted in the poll or by giving your thumbs up in the earlier round, and to you who braved the Spec Faith Challenge waters by entering your writing.

Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
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Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Congratulations, Eugene!

  2. Nice work, Eugene. It was a great piece and worthy of the win! 🙂

  3. I was so pleased to see what became of a one sentence writing prompt. What unique ideas from all those who entered.

    Great competition, especially from the finalists. Congratulations, Eugene. Not a small thing to be chosen as the top of this group.


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