Day 3 Of July Blog Tour

Visit Christian Fandom. I realize we’re talking about fantasy this week, but I’ve been camped out in the horror section at CF. It’s okay, I’m used to the looks. Go check it out. Next week I’m going to get deeper into the Christian Horror subject.
I have to be honest. I stayed up so late last night digesting Stuart’s post from yesterday. I forgot until this morning I’m supposed to post today!
So go visit CF. We’ll stir the pot a little more later.
Visit these stops on the blog tour as well. Let’s keep the conversation going! Carol Collett Valerie Comer Kameron Franklin Beth Goddard Rebecca Grabill Leathel Grody Karen Hancock Elliot Hanowski Katie Hart Sherrie Hibbs Sharon Hinck Pamela James Tina Kulesa Rachel Marks Shannon McNear Rebecca LuElla Miller Mirtika Schultz Stuart Stockton Steve Trower Speculative Faith
Share your fantastical thoughts.