Lorehaven Issue 2 Arrives in One Week

Next week, Lorehaven Magazine will no longer be a single-issue project.
Lord willing, this Monday, July 9, subscribers will receive their access to the all-new, bigger, better, and great-book-stuffed digital copy of Lorehaven Magazine’s summer 2018 issue.
Our mission, shared by many of the same creatives behind Speculative Faith, remains this:
- To find truth in fantastic stories.
- To offer flash reviews of Christian-made, fantastical genre novels.
- To encourage Christians everywhere to enjoy and discern these stories together.
- To share amazing articles about seeing fantastical stories as our Savior sees them.
We hope God will use Lorehaven to help his Church explore fantastical stories for his glory. We hope he will use Lorehaven to “reboot” the Church’s love for fiction in a biblical way. Not just by thinking about fiction. Not just by complaining about bad fiction. And not even just by thinking and planning and training one another to write fiction. (That’s Realm Makers’s job!) But by finding, buying, reading, and loving the best stories by the best creators.
Creators who specifically want to glorify God by sharing stories created by his people.
Did I mention that your subscription to Lorehaven Magazine is free?1 All you need do is subscribe to the magazine here. Here’s what you’ll get:
- Access to the existing debut issue, spring 2018, of Lorehaven
- Access (on Monday) to our sophomore issue, summer 2018.
- Ability to sign up to Monday-through-Friday Speculative Faith updates, and/or for occasional updates about Lorehaven, especially those new issues every season.
Want a preview of Lorehaven Magazine’s summer 2018 offerings?
The Bridge: outlook of coming attractions, plus my short thoughts on the godly purpose of amazing stories.
- Flash reviews: twelve short, fun reviews of incredible Christian-made fantastical stories. Our review team works hard to read these novels and create these reviews.
- Cover review: none other than Fawkes, out Tuesday, July 10, from novelist Nadine Brandes.
- Cover story: “I Process Big Questions Through Story,” starring Nadine Brandes.
- Fanservants: “How to Become a Spiritually Leveled-Up Christian Geek,” from Paeter Frandsen of ChristianGeekCentral.com.
- Fanservants: “How Does Your Family Read Fantasy?”, from Marian Jacobs.
- New Worlds: “Horror Reveals Human Sin in the Dark,” from Mike Duran.
- Folklore: “Flood Legends Rise from the Depths of History,” from Tim Chaffey.
- Roundtable: “Engaging That @&*% Our Stories Often Say,” from Roundtable panelists Laura VanArendonk Baugh, Morgan Busse, Mike Duran, Steve Rzasa, and myself.
Click here to subscribe to Lorehaven Magazine. We can’t wait to share more stories with you as we keep striving to find truth (and beauty, and wonder!) in fantastic stories.
- Speculative Faith has always been a free ministry led by volunteers. Lorehaven Magazine is also free, yet is supported by advertisers. This includes authors who want to share their stories with new fans! If you’re interested in advertising your novel or story business in the fall 2018 issue of Lorehaven, reach out to us here. We’d love to speak with you about sharing your excellent ad. ↩
Share your fantastical thoughts.