Of Forms and Fangs

It’s Tuesday again! Don’t worry my actual post won’t be as long as last week’s, but there is a bit of extracurricular reading.
Now I ended last week saying that I will be going over some of the books I have read, and discussing their use of spirituality and world building and such. But before I do that, I think it is only fair to let others have a go at my own writing.
I’m not saying I’m as good as any published author, but I also want to make it clear that I’m not going to throw out critiques and thoughts while being safely ensconced in my unpublished status. If that makes any sense. Plus, there is hope that through seeing samples of my own writing you will get a better understanding of my own views and comments.
So here are two short stories written recently. Both take place within the same mythology.
First up is The Fang. This short story is a prequel of sorts to my novel Starfire, relating the tale of how the main character comes across a certain object that plays a role in the book.
Read it here >>
Second is Forms of Destiny. This short story is an exploration of a character that is planned to show up in a future novel.
Read it here >>
So if you feel up to it read through these stories and comment on them here.
Some questions to help get the juices flowing:
Would you call these stories “Christian Fiction”? Why/Why not?
Do these stories beat you over the head with their message? What is the message/theme? Is there one?
Feel free to throw in any other comments about these stories that come to mind. (Don’t worry I have very thick Saurian skin.)
Next week I’ll discuss the comments from this and give a deeper look into the mythology from where these stories spring, and how that effects how I express Christian faith within the stories.
The week after that I’ll start my book examinations with the Christy Winning: Light of Eidon.
Share your fantastical thoughts.