Realm Makers Announces New Anthology: ‘RealmScapes: Heroes of the Realm’

Realm Makers Media is excited to announce its first anthology endeavor, RealmScapes: Heroes of the Realm.
on Jan 18, 2019 · 4 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

Pottstown, PA: Realm Makers Media is excited to announce its first anthology endeavor, RealmScapes: Heroes of the Realm.

The book, edited by award-winning editor Danielle Ackley-McPhail, is scheduled to release in July and will launch at this year’s Realm Makers Writers’ Conference, in St. Louis.

The anthology will feature stories by Kathy Tyers, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Wayne Thomas Batson, James Chambers, Steve Rzasa, Paul Regnier, and Jeffrey Lyman. These bestsellers and anthology veterans are crafting fantasy and science fiction stories that will explore the many facets of heroes and heroism.

To fund the project, RMM is running a Kickstarter campaign that will close on February 12. If the campaign raises funding beyond its initial goal of $6000, Realm Makers will be able to open submissions to backers and Realm Maker members as a paying market. The number of stories will be determined by the final funding amount, but Realm Makers is prepared to include up to 15 stories total in the final book, should backer enthusiasm provide the means.

Individuals interested in supporting positive fiction with a speculative bend can visit the campaign at . Please consider becoming a part of the growing Realm Makers mission of educating, connecting, and publishing today’s most talented speculative fiction authors.

It’s important to note that Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing funding platform. If the project reaches its funding goal over the 28-day campaign, all backers receive their rewards and the book goes into production. If not, Realm Makers Media receives no funding and the project will be shelved. The success of this inaugural project will shape the future of RMM’s publishing endeavors.

As an outgrowth of the Realm Makers conference and bookstore, Realm Makers Media aspires to offer publishing opportunities to talented writers of fantasy, science fiction, horror, steampunk, and all the imaginative genres in between. At present, the goal is to publish a biannual anthology.

Rebecca P. Minor can't help but tell stories, whether that's in the form of animation, illustration, novels, or really long retellings of weird things that happened when she was a carriage driver. Her favorite stories, however, involve dragons, elves, sword fights, and magic, all of which you'll find in her two fantasy series, The Windrider Saga and The Risen Age Archive. Rebecca is also the cofounder of Realm Makers, an annual symposium for people of faith who write science fiction and fantasy. Rebecca resides outside Philadelphia, PA with her husband and three sons, who have all happily bought into the geek pool alongside her.

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Travis Perry says:

    This is very interesting for me as a publisher of anthologies. I could see this as competition, but instead am glad that short story anthologies are seeing some more love at Realm Makers. Short stories can be great!

    I’m looking forward to seeing a “Best Anthology” category in the Realm Awards, too, which would seem to be a natural offshoot of more anthologies being published via Realm Makers. Well, at least I can hope you’ll go that direction–because who knows, one of my anthos just might win an award. 🙂

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