To Published & Beyond — One Author’s Voyage Pt.2

First, a quick note that Marcher Lord Press has just posted their October titles! It’s a great bunch of books you won’t want to miss. ——————————- About a year after I started serious work on Starfire I attended my first writer’s […]
on Aug 31, 2010 · 4 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

First, a quick note that Marcher Lord Press has just posted their October titles! It’s a great bunch of books you won’t want to miss.


About a year after I started serious work on Starfire I attended my first writer’s conference. It was the very first Writing for the Soul conference in Colorado Springs. I went in without a clue as what to expect from a writing conference.  It was an incredible experience. Being in a place totally dedicated to God and writing was so inspiring and fulfilling.

During the first day at the conference I noticed a sign up board for editor appointments. I didn’t really know what these were for at the time, and I hardly knew one publisher from the next. Still I signed up just for the chance to see if there was any hope at all for my novel.

At the time I only had the first chapter of Starfire written, but I was so inspired I went home that night and pounded out the complete outline for the story. I went in to the appointment and stumbled through a basic explanation of the story. Amazingly she didn’t laugh in my face, or tell me that there wasn’t a place for my story, but said it sounded very intriguing. She also told me the novel would have to be completed before a publisher would take a serious look at the manuscript.

Going to that first conference, knowing nothing, and getting such a positive feedback, was the point that really launched me into moving forward with the book. It gave me hope that even a story as strange as mine had the chance to get published. Though that hope would fade in the years to come.

Have you had an inspiring moment that has really pushed you forward in one of your dreams?

Stuart Vaughn Stockton is the author of the award winning science fiction novel, Starfire. His exploration into world creation began in Jr. High, when he drew a dinosaur riding a pogo-stick. From there characters, creatures and languages blossomed into the worlds of Galactic Lore, the mythos in which Starfire is set. He lives in the beautiful town of Colorado Springs with his wife and fellow author, Tiffany Amber Stockton. Together they have two incredible children who bring new adventures every day.
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Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Corey Popp says:

    Where can I find a listing of Christian writers’ conferences?

  2. Sally Stuart’s Christian Writer’s Market website has a pretty good list:

  3. And this month, the American Christian Fiction Writers conference is being held in Indianapolis, Indiana. I’m already signed up to attend — the first conference I’ve attended since autumn of 2007.

    Blimey, Stuart. A novel outline completed overnight? How long was your outline?

  4. Stuart says:

    It was a pretty high-level outline. Just one or two sentences describing three major events in each chapter. I think it turned out to be about two or three pages long (it has been a very long time since I looked at it).

What say you?

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