Realm Makers 2022 conference

This year’s annual writers conference will again offer the event in-person in Atlantic City and live online

Are you excited to take the next step in your speculative fiction journey? No, not an actual trip to space, time travel, or forging your own sword—joining us for Realm Makers 2022! This year’s annual writers conference will again offer the event in-person in Atlantic City and live online. So even if you’re not ready to travel in July, you can still see the teaching in real time. Every class will be livestreamed for our virtual attendees. Whether attending in Atlantic City or online, all attendees will have the chance to connect on the RealmSphere in a dedicated conference space in our online community. Realm Makers 2022 is an amazing value because this year, every attendee gets access to replays of every class, available through the RealmSphere. No matter how you attend, if you have a manuscript you want to pitch to our participating agents and editors you will be able to do so.

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