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Doctor Who: From ‘The Bells …’ To ‘Hide’
“Who” viewers, what have you thought of series 7.5 so far?
E. Stephen Burnett in April 2013
“I Don’t Read Fiction,” She Said, Disapproving.
Apparently the church connection reassured her that I was safe to talk to. But to make sure we’d have no misunderstandings, she told me with self-righteous conviction, “I don’t read fiction.”
Yvonne Anderson in April 2013
Where Are All The Superheroes?
From the halls of Odin to the exploits of Beowulf, the graphic-art mythos of Superman, the school day victories of colorful Power Rangers—why are superheros so super?
Yvonne Anderson in February 2013
When Science Fiction Meets Fairy Tale
At first glance, science fiction and fairy tales appear to have little in common. They’re like water and oil. What could tales about nasty step-mothers and magic share with stories of high-tech gadgets and trips to other worlds? For starters, both address themes of human experience through the fantastic, and both bear the imprint of the culture of their time.
Jeff Chapman in February 2013
Fiction Christians From Another Planet! I: Invasion Of The Child-People
Why do some Christian novels keep presenting only equivalents of kid-Anakin or Wesley Crusher, instead of Han Solo or Captain Picard, and expect readers to like them?
E. Stephen Burnett in January 2013
May I Have A Word?
It’s easy to use the word word, but hard to define it with words. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? A sound with meaning? Not really.
Yvonne Anderson in January 2013
Incarnation, Part 1: Eternal Entity
Science fiction and false religions often insist that humans must change from physical to spiritual beings. But God the Son did the exact opposite.
E. Stephen Burnett in December 2012
Reading Is Worship 12: Desiring God As Fantasy Fans
As we come to the end(?) of this series, I’m curious: How is your God-glorifying, worshipful, speculative-story “singing” voice? What fantastic fiction have you read, seen, or heard that moved you to worship the Author?
E. Stephen Burnett in November 2012
Old Soldiers
Veterans Day, aka Armistice Day, has a particular resonance for me, since it’s also my birthday. It’s a sobering thing to discover, at a very young age, that you were born on a day that commemorates the ending of a war—and not just any war, but arguably the most horrendous war in human history.
Fred Warren in November 2012
Reading Is Worship 11: Glory Spectrum Of Stories
If God’s multihued glories shine in all of reality, how do we find such glories in stories and be moved to worship Him?
E. Stephen Burnett in November 2012
Redeeming Culture In Stories and Politics
The Church is not anti-culture or pro-culture, but a gracious proclaimer of the Biblical Story, and what in culture reflects God’s truth or does not. This applies to stories, speculative and otherwise. And this applies to politics, the governance of culture.
E. Stephen Burnett in November 2012
Voting And Speculative Fiction
I don’t see democracy held up in fantasies or in science fiction as The Answer to the ills of the world. Rather, it seems as if democracy is not an option or it has led to a despotic take over, a la Rome or, in modern times, Germany. The Answer to the ills of society seems instead to be either the benevolent rule of a King or hero, or the anarchy of the individual.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in November 2012
Classic Sci-Fi Meets A Christian Worldview
What is it about science fiction that draws us in? Mom, wife, and debut author of Asylum: The Circeae Tales Ashley Hodges Bazer shares why she chose to write science fiction and discusses how Asylum went from concept to published book.
Ashley Hodges Bazer in November 2012
The De-volution Of Revolution
There’s a monster lurking inside all of us.
John Otte in October 2012
Ministered To By The Secular Market
Novelist Alton Gansky: When I rattled off my favorite novelists during an interview, I wondered: why didn’t I have a longer list of Christian authors? This demanded some inner noodling. So noodle I did.
Alton Gansky in October 2012
‘Changing The Future; It’s Called Marriage,’ Part 2
Doctor Who
, some people hated Rory’s and Amy’s relationship. Maybe people dislike seeing a stable relationship. Maybe, similar to the Doctor himself, they can’t stand committed, heroic, happy endings to a love story.
E. Stephen Burnett in October 2012
‘Doctor Who’: When Justice Seasons ‘Mercy’
The “Doctor Who” episode “A Town Called Mercy” asked viewers to wrestle with the question: who decides who lives or dies? The answer is hidden in plain sight.
E. Stephen Burnett in September 2012
The Gospel According To Roddenberry
Star Trek and religion? Yes, please!
John Otte in September 2012
Fantastic Tropes and Where To Find Them
Every story has tropes. Christian speculative stories are no exception. Here’s a tongue-in-cheek collection.
Kessie Carroll in September 2012
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