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Topics: Science fiction
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Onward, Words!
God places value on words. He is a Writer, through clear instruction, stories, and more. Thus, our words and stories should remind us of His.
Yvonne Anderson in September 2012
Why Christians Can Love Speculative Stories
“Popologetics” author Ted Turnau: Speculative stories give more space to explore reality, imaginative worlds that enchant, and reflections of our true home.
Ted Turnau in July 2012
Mixed Messages and Thin Themes
Christians shouldn’t be afraid of stories that hint at other ways of thinking. If the main message has merit and is presented properly, it will be clear among other ideas.
Kat Heckenbach in June 2012
The Ultimate Action / Disaster / Superhero / Suspense Film
What dreams do you have about your favorite fantastic novels and films? Do you wake up, as I did last Saturday, at first thinking “that was incredible!” and taking excessive personal credit for the plot?
E. Stephen Burnett in May 2012
No Such Thing As Miracles
Author Athol Dickson: “Magical realism presents the supernatural as a matter of fact, almost as an everyday event, much as science fiction does. But like pure fantasy, magical realism refuses to explain itself.”
Athol Dickson in May 2012
Rice, Chess, and Sentient Machines
Author P.A. Baines: Unlike other genres, science fiction explores big what-if questions, such as, “what if the world ends tomorrow?” or “what if we discover life on another planet?” or even “what if an artificial intelligence were to come to believe in God?”
P. A. Baines in April 2012
Secrets Of The ‘Firebird’ Story
“Daystar” author Kathy Tyers shares the connection between her now-concluded “Firebird” series and the real world.
Kathy Tyers in April 2012
Spec-Faith Flashback: Jill Williamson
From our archives: Author Jill Williamson recalls how she actually wrote her YA sci-fi novel “Replication” before her fantasy “Blood of Kings” series.
Jill Williamson in March 2012
The “Alien Work” Of God Part VI
Like I said two week ago, I’m not one to back down from a bad idea. And I have a feeling that this might be a bad idea. We’ll see. Of course, that’s only if this post makes it past […]
John Otte in January 2012
The “Alien Work” Of God Part V
So last time, we sat at the foot of the master, C. S. Lewis, and discussed the theological underpinnings of his Space Trilogy. For those of you just joining us now (or who don’t feel like going back and reading […]
John Otte in January 2012
The “Alien Work” Of God Part IV
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Not this blog series. At least, I hope none of you think that. But I’ve noticed a pattern. Whenever I sit down to write one of these columns, NASA announces that they’ve found more extra-solar planets.
John Otte in December 2011
The “Alien Work” Of God Part I
No, I’m not talking about this kind of alien work of God. Instead, I want to talk about how it seems that I’ve always had aliens on the brain. I mentioned two weeks ago that my earliest forays into writing […]
John Otte in November 2011
Why I Wrote The DarkTrench Saga
Now that I’m done writing The DarkTrench Saga (from Marcher Lord Press), I’ll talk about it. The three-volume futuristic series has had some interesting criticisms, but surprisingly, the strongest reproaches have come from the Christian community.
Kerry Nietz in October 2011
Speculative Love, Part 6: Love Does Not Compute
By way of closing this series on love in speculative fiction, I wanted to talk briefly about a quality of love that makes it problematical for science fiction in particular: love is not logical.
Fred Warren in October 2011
Steve Rzasa on Scripture, Story, and Space Opera
Author Steve Rzasa (“The Word Reclaimed” and “The Word Unleashed”) talks his past journalism, present story efforts, and future fiction, touching also on community journalism, denominations, and sci-fi devices for interstellar travel.
Steve Rzasa in August 2011
The Worldview Of Science Fiction
As anyone who frequents Spec Faith on a regular basis knows, I’m a fantasy writer. However, I can’t help but notice that science fiction, along with an amalgamation best termed science fantasy, is slowly on the rise. Interestingly, along with […]
Rebecca LuElla Miller in August 2011
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