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Prospect: Why I Like Nobledark or Grimbright Better than Cheerful and Corrupt
Prospect is a movie I’d recommend over Rim of the World. I both review Prospect and say why I like its type of tale better.
Travis Perry in November 2020
How “Rim of the World” Shows Our Culture is Drenched in Smut
The Netflix movie Rim of the World isn’t avante-guarde or daringly original–so its innuendoes indicate something about our culture…
Travis Perry in November 2020
Let’s Talk About Race and Racism: The End Game for Racism
How can racism ever end? Do other countries show us a better way than the United States? How can speculative fiction help?
Travis Perry in October 2020
Let’s Talk About Race and Racism: The Space Traders-Science Fiction and Critical Race Theory
The Space Traders, a science fiction short story, lays out a portion of the case for Critical Race Theory. This post responds to the story.
Travis Perry in October 2020
Fiction Friday: Brand Of Light By Ronie Kendig
There’s a price on her head, and it has everything to do with the brand on her arm.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in September 2020
Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone Newest Season Executes like Modern Day Parables
Season Two of Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone executes well the tradition of multi-layered storytelling. Still, these modern-day stories lack the solution-oriented parables of Christ.
Parker J. Cole in August 2020
Looking Forward to Re-Creation in Eternity
Will heaven be a renovation of what we know or a re-creation? I don’t know, but realize what I hope for has more to do with my heart than my head…
Travis Perry in July 2020
Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 9: Black Box Interchangeable Brain
What if technology advances so much that a brain could be saved in black boxes? Made interchangeable or modular? What if you could literally live as someone else?
Travis Perry in June 2020
Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 8: Magical Technology (A Little Problem with the Dilithium Stone)
What about magic in a story that would otherwise be technological? A Little Problem with the Dilithium Stone shows an example.
Travis Perry in June 2020
Free (Not) Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 7: Mine the Public Domain (Worlds of Weinbaum)
So maybe you’re interested in a free story idea that ISN’T original–there’s some great opportunities in the public domain. Example, Worlds of Weinbaum…
Travis Perry in June 2020
Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 6: Nanites in Space Weapons and Aliens
Nanites could easily be part of any science fiction future and probably should be featured in stories much more than they are. Here’s some cool ideas that relate to nanites–even a few for fantasy writers!
Travis Perry in May 2020
Free Original Story World Ideas, Part 4: Future AI-Domesticated Breeds of Humans
Imagine AIs take over the world–then domesticate humans into different breeds–then disappear…
Travis Perry in May 2020
Fantastical Truth Explores the Aborted Future of 2001’s Suspense Thriller Oxygen
Today on Lorehaven’s Fantastical Truth podcast, we’re exploring the past-future with first-century thriller novelist Randy Ingermanson.
E. Stephen Burnett in May 2020
15. What if NASA Finally Launched for Mars, But One Astronaut Was a Saboteur? | Oxygen with Randy Ingermanson
Top Ten Most Original Speculative Fiction Story Worlds, Part 2
What are the top ten most original story worlds (or settings) for overtly Christian authors? This post lists ten possible choices!
Travis Perry in April 2020
‘Firebird’ Author Kathy Tyers on Fantastical Truth: My Next Novel May Release in 2021
After the Firebird series and “Crystal Witness,” novelist Kathy Tyers returns to her spacefaring world for a new trilogy.
E. Stephen Burnett in April 2020
Memorable Stories
In this day of hoarding, these are especially relevant questions, I think. Perhaps that’s what makes this particular show so memorable.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in March 2020
The False Virtues of Anti-Love, Anti-Faith, and Anti-Hope
Do anti-love, anti-faith, and anti-hope form an “unholy trinity” of “anti-theological” virtues? What could these be and what should we do about them?
Travis Perry in March 2020
Fantastical Truth Travels Back to the Times We First Discovered Fantasy
On our latest Fantastical Truth podcast episode, we share some of your stories about how you first discovered amazing fiction.
E. Stephen Burnett in March 2020
Hard Time
As with any real life/entertainment contrast, the real world of incarceration doesn’t quite match up with what we see on screen when it comes to prisons and jails.
Mark Carver in February 2020
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