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Topics: Science fiction
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2020 Science Fiction Predictions
Science fiction in many forms laid down predictions for what the year 2020 would bring. What did they get wrong? What’s close to being right?
Travis Perry in January 2020
The Unwanted Passenger
No matter where people go in this universe, they bring along an unwanted passenger: their own sin natures.
Mark Carver in November 2019
Are We There Yet?
When does the future arrive?
Mark Carver in November 2019
Alien God of the Christian Tribulation
What if the Tribulation that futurists like me see in the book of Revelation takes place? And what if the Antichrist claims aliens are invading the Earth and he’s only resisting them…? (And why would I want to write a story like that?)
Travis Perry in November 2019
Brad and His Dad
Moral of the story: we are not alone in the universe, but we don’t have to look to the stars to find who else is out there.
Mark Carver in October 2019
Shields, Starship Combat, and Outer Space Fortresses
A realistic look at shields and defenses for starships and space stations can help you make interesting and plausible stories about outer space combat.
Travis Perry in August 2019
Non-Lethal Speculative Fiction Weapons
On Star Trek, setting a weapon to “stun” is easy. In reality, it’s easier to use energy to kill or maim than to immobilize. But science fiction and fantasy stories alike can benefit from thinking about what non-lethal weapons can do.
Travis Perry in August 2019
The Serious Business of Science Fiction and Fantasy
I have friends who don’t quite understand why I think science fiction and fantasy are important. I explain why in this post.
Travis Perry in August 2019
Beatitudes and Woes: A Groundbreaking Anthology
The Beatitudes and Woes anthology uses speculative stories to illustrate well-known statements Jesus made. Perhaps this method will prove to be groundbreaking–used by other anthologies in the future.
Travis Perry in July 2019
For Fans, Your Family, and the Church: Get the New Issue of Lorehaven Magazine
Shawn Smucker delights in magic at life’s margins, we review great new Christian fantasy, and fanservants seek the Psalms and discern YA’s allure.
E. Stephen Burnett in July 2019
The Quantum Mechanics God of Alternate Realities
Are alternate universes fair game for Christian writers of speculative fiction? This post takes a look at why so many science fiction stories feature alternate realities based on quantum mechanics–and suggests ways a Christian worldview can be compatible with this kind of tale.
Travis Perry in June 2019
The Way It Should Be
One lazy evening a while back, I was scrolling through the movies on Amazon Prime and came across an indie film called Coherence. A quick search on Google pulled up favorable reviews, so I gave it a shot. I’m glad […]
Mark Carver in June 2019
Alien Intelligence in Our Solar System?
If the Solar System has life, including intelligent life, where might we find it? On Mars or under the surface of icy moons? Where we might really find life and what that life could be like should influence science fiction–including sci fi written by Christian authors.
Travis Perry in June 2019
Does Family Enhance Female Heroes?
Was Mark Carver’s post on Speculative Faith yesterday right about a need to have more families with children in speculative fiction? In particular, would children benefit female heroes?
Travis Perry in June 2019
Those Meddling Kids
It takes just a quick glance at movies, TV shows, and books to realize that our entertainment is packed with attractive and unmarried characters, and a good portion of those that are married look and act like they aren’t married. […]
Mark Carver in June 2019
Against the Tragic Villain Backstory
I’m mostly against the tragic villain backstory as a storytelling device. Let me tell you why.
Travis Perry in June 2019
What Science Fiction Fact Will Be Next?
Although speculative fiction has taken the duel turn toward horror—vampires and monsters of various kinds—and superheroes, are there science fiction writers imagining and producing the next set of future technologies or societal trends in their stories?
Rebecca LuElla Miller in June 2019
The Wandering Earth: Science Fiction From Outside the USA
Are science fiction movies from China and other counties outside of the United States the future? Watching The Wandering Earth gave me some clues.
Travis Perry in May 2019
Ghosts and UFOs: What Are They Anyway?
How do we, as believers, deal with the phenomenon of ghost and abduction claims?
Jim O'Shea in May 2019
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