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Topics: Science fiction
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How Science Fiction Portrays the Future of Christianity
Science fiction tends to write Christianity out of its view of the future. How can Christian sci fi writers respond?
Travis Perry in May 2019
Mission Report, April 25–27, Realm Makers Bookstore in Cincinnati
Homeschool families need great Christian-made fantastical novels, and resources to find the best ones.
E. Stephen Burnett in April 2019
Building Legacies
Architecture is the language of empires, dynasties, and conquerors, in real life and in our stories.
Mark Carver in April 2019
Where are the Hard Science Fiction Writers who are Christians?
Hard science fiction is the subset of sci-fi that tries to be as scientifically realistic as possible. Why do so few overtly Christian authors write in this genre?
Travis Perry in April 2019
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 20: Transportation: Beastly Power
What are the limits of what a man or beast can transport, even fantasy beasts? How far beastly power can move an army and its supplies is an important consideration in speculative fiction world building.
Travis Perry in March 2019
Why Not More Biblical Speculative Fiction?
Why isn’t there more speculative fiction set in Bible times or featuring Biblical characters? We have reasons why not–but we should work past them.
Travis Perry in March 2019
Speculative Fiction Writer’s Guide to War, part 19: War Costs: Soldiers’ Pay
Pay has always been important to warriors. Whether via looting or standardized pay systems, soldiers have usually expected payment in exchange for risking their lives.
Travis Chapman in March 2019
Does This Avatar Make Me Look Fat?
It’s easy for our imaginations to outpace reality. It’s a blessing and a curse of being human. Naturally, we imagine what we crave, but what if it’s far out of reach?
Mark Carver in March 2019
Would God Come Along Too?
What if we were to make a break for it and leave this rock for another? Would God be invited along for the ride?
Mark Carver in February 2019
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 17: War Costs: Food per Fighter
If you ever wanted to calculate how many supplies your fictional army needs, your numbers start with how much food per single war fighter per day. We’ve got the numbers here–for both humans and non-humans!
Travis Perry in February 2019
Are All Fandoms Created Equal?
How are sports and fictional fandoms alike? How are they different?
Mark Carver in February 2019
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 16: The Costs of War
No war can every be fought without considering its costs. These may include various types of capital costs but also always include the cost to human lives and welfare.
Travis Chapman in January 2019
Io: Pest Control
So how does speculative entertainment treat the problem of these supposed human pests? Get rid of ’em.
Mark Carver in January 2019
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 15: Combat Support Training
A modern military provides special training for those in uniform who support warriors in action. Understanding combat support will add depth to the war stories you create.
Travis Perry in January 2019
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 14: Combat Arms Training
Militaries by their nature develop specialized branches of combat arms and train their warriors to master particular war-fighting specialties.
Travis Chapman in January 2019
On the Third Day of Christmas…
December 27th is the Third Day of Christmas–which means a few things in the history of Christianity in our world. But perhaps could be much more meaningful in worlds yet to be imagined…
Travis Perry in December 2018
Valiant Explores Destiny versus Free Will
In Merrie Destefano’s new novel Valiant, free will and destiny work hand in hand.
Merrie Destefano in December 2018
Does Diversity in Fantasy Publishing Reflect God’s Kingdom or Identity Politics?
Is forced diversity in secular publishing really the same as biblical diversity?
Mike Duran in December 2018
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 13: Training for High-End Capabilities
The high-end capabilities of advanced military systems can be vastly different from what they achieve at the low-end. Highly advanced weapons systems, whether technical or magical, require specialized training.
Travis Perry in December 2018
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