Brock D. Eastman is 28 years old and lives at the base of America's Mountain with his wife and two daughters. He has the pleasure of working for Focus on the Family and on the Adventures in Odyssey brand. He loves movie nights with his wife and their homemade popcorn, as well as playing pretend or reading with his daughters. Brock started writing his first series, The Quest for Truth, in 2005 and 5 years later with his wife's encouragement signed a publishing deal. Two months later he signed to write the Sages of Darkness trilogy, and a month after that to write one of the new Imagination Station series books about David and Goliath. He's always thinking of his next story and totes a thumb-drive full of ideas. To keep track of what Brock is working on visit his web site. Connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, and YouTube.
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