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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels by Brian Godawa
Pharaoh is not the only villain Moses must face. The ten plagues are Yahweh’s war with the gods of Egypt. And those gods are not myths. They are demons.
In 220 B.C., the Greek king over Babylon sends his son, dishonored warrior Antiochus, into the mysterious land of the Far East to capture a mythical creature that will give him absolute power.
In A.D. 67, Nero’s Roman armies plunder the land of Israel, led by General Vespasian and his son Titus, whose ruthless strategy threatens his affair with Jewish princess Berenice.
In the first century, a Roman, a Jew and a Christian uncover a secret letter of resistance predicting the world’s end: the Revelation of the apostle John.
The story of Christ like you’ve never heard it before, told through the eyes of the two thieves on the cross and the spiritual warfare hidden from mortal men.
In the days of Samuel the Seer, the Philistines are at the climax of a long war with Israel over the land of Canaan. There are still giants in Philistia left from Joshua’s search and destroy mission of holy war generations earlier.
Joshua and Caleb must protect Rahab at the same time as they assault the Anakim stronghold and face the tallest, most ruthless of all giants: The brothers Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai.
After four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, Israel has escaped into the desert and is prepared to enter the land of Canaan that God had promised her. There’s only one problem: It’s crawling with giants.
God chooses nomad Abram as next in the line of the seed of Promise. But Nimrod is not dead, and sets out on a course of revenge to find Abram and kill him.
Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, longs for immortality and embarks on a quest for eternal life that takes him from a giant’s forest to the mountain of the god.
Journey with Enoch the giant killer and his small band of family warriors who seek outlaw giants for bounty, but stumble upon a conspiracy of the Watchers.