Steal the Morrow by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

Steal the Morrow

Olifur soon finds himself ensnared in a web of professional thieves, and he must think fast if he is to survive the day.
Jenelle Schmidt’s Steal the Morrow examines personal integrity and the value of reputation in a light fantasy setting.
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Crack the Stone by Emily Golus

Crack the Stone

Goblin convict Valshara Sh’a flees a merciless bounty hunter in this fantasy retelling of Les MisĂ©rables.
Emily Golus cleverly reimagines Victor Hugo’s masterpiece Les Misérables into Crack the Stone’s high fantasy world of goblins, elves, and humans.
Break the Beast by Allison Tebo

Break the Beast

Allison Tebo re-imagines the ancient legend of Beowulf in an epic story of redemption and grace in a high-stakes fantasy adventure.

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