Discover 1,427 listed novel titles
and 327 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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In a grim fantasy world where the Father of Light seems long lost, can a modern day boy help a wizard, a cleric, knights and peasants have faith again?
When the Most Holy and Sanctified Father is found dead in his bed, the temptation to seize the Sacred College is more than some fallen souls can resist.
Dozens of elves, hundreds of goblins, legions of demons — all converging on the colourless world ruled by the goblin king. Can Robby and Chris discover the goblin king’s name and rescue Stephen before time runs out? Young-adult fantasy by Anne Hamilton.
Upon the arrival of an old friend, an aging commoner, known as Mere, embarks on a journey to a distant land. Their travels are soon interrupted by an evil troll determined to end Mere’s life. Fantasy by Randall Thorn.