Ranger's Calling: The Fires of Wynchell by Raymond Schell

Ranger’s Calling: The Fires of Wynchell

Young Ranger Galieb Half-elfin faces many trials as he set out on his first adventure, meeting many fantastical creatures and heroes along the way.
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Squire of Truth by Jill Williamson

Squire of Truth

Amidst the turmoil of a looming royal wedding and the threat of dark magic, squire-turned-investigator Cole and aspiring songstress Mistel must unravel the mystery of a brutal murder before they become the next targets.
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The Crown of Nightingale by Joseph Wolfe

The Crown of Nightingale

Donovan sold his soul for a spell and lost his memory, but who doesn’t love a chance to reinvent himself?
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Oron Amular 2: Rite of Passage, Michael J. Harvey

Oron Amular: Rite of Passage

To earn his rite of passage and continue his quest for Power Unimaginable, King Curillian turns aside to rescue an old friend in dire need.
Oron Amular: Call of the Mountain, Michael J. Harvey

Oron Amular: Call of the Mountain

An epic adventure awaits when the lost mountain breaks its long silence, and lords and wanderers alike set out to seek for Power Unimaginable.
The Darkened Land, Larry Paris

The Darkened Land

In a land of darkness, seven people defend one of the seven cities of light against the forces of darkness.
Larry Paris’s novel is an ambitious work, filled with heroes battling various grotesque monsters.
Lorehaven review, winter 2019
Shadowcat: Tales from the Edge of Sleep, Victoria Randall

Shadowcat: Tales from the Edge of Sleep

There is a misty place between sleep and waking, where if you wander long, you may find yourself caught in a world of strangeness.

A Draw Of Kings

Their journey to Merakh should have made Errol and his companions heroes of the realm. Instead, they’ve been branded enemies of the kingdom.
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The King's Sword, C. J. Brightley

The King’s Sword

Invasion looms, and Kemen’s decisions will shape the fate of a nation. What will he sacrifice for friendship and honor?
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