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Discover 1,427 listed novel titles and 327 reviews of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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A Crown of Chains, Erin Phillips

A Crown of Chains

Roxana Willows is a wingless fairy with the rare ability to read minds, and becoming queen is the last thing Roxana wants.
“A Crown of Chains creatively retells a biblical tale to explore themes of providence, racism, faith, and fidelity.”
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Dream of Kings, Sharon Hinck

Dream of Kings

Jolan the dream teller faces a decision that could cost her the man she loves, her calling, and her freedom—all to save a people who abandoned her.
“Sharon Hinck’s novel Dream of Kings fantastically reimagines the biblical Joseph narrative, drawing readers into a vivid world of political intrigue and faith struggles.”
Oron Amular 2: Rite of Passage, Michael J. Harvey

Oron Amular: Rite of Passage

To earn his rite of passage and continue his quest for Power Unimaginable, King Curillian turns aside to rescue an old friend in dire need.
Oron Amular: Call of the Mountain, Michael J. Harvey

Oron Amular: Call of the Mountain

An epic adventure awaits when the lost mountain breaks its long silence, and lords and wanderers alike set out to seek for Power Unimaginable.
The Winter King, Christine Cohen

The Winter King

To help her family survive another bleak season in the Winter King’s frozen grasp, Cora begins to break the rules she has kept since she was a little girl.
“Christine Cohen’s The Winter King is everything a fantasy lover wants: adventure, political intrigue, and a little bit of romance … this story is a must-read.”
The Dragon Forest, R. A. Douthitt

The Dragon Forest

When Prince Peter leaves behind the comforts of palace life to face the Dragon of the Forest, he learns what it means to be King.

Lucas: Guardian Of Truth

After being humiliated by bullies, eleven-year-old Lucas Phelman is given a strange watch with bizarre effects.

Allon Book 5: Gauntlet

Prince Titus, son of King Tyrone and Queen Tristine, is kidnapped, and the suspects are Tunlundian pirates. But what do they want with a 7-year-old boy?

Allon Book 4: A Question Of Sovereignty

Determined to save her father, Tristine meets two unlikely allies: a blacksmith and a crippled beggar. But how can they stop a coup? And what will become of the Great King? Book 4 of the Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.

Allon Book 3: Heir Apparent

Emperor Kamu sends an ambassador to Allon offering a royal marriage between his daughter and sixteen-year-old Prince Nigel. But soon, strange things start happening. Book 3 of the Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.

Allon Book 2: Insurrection

With the Dark Way defeated, King Ellis starts restoring the House of Tristan. To him and Shannan, a son and heir is born, Prince Nigel. But not all is blissful in Allon. The Dark Way doesn’t die easily. Book 2 of the Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.
Heartless, Anne Elisabeth Stengl


Princess Una of Parumvir has come of age and will soon marry. She dreams of a charming prince, but when her first suitor arrives, he’s not what she’d hoped.
“Anne Elisabeth Stengl’s Heartless takes the form of a fairy tale while creating a completely new story to delight and inspire.”
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Allon: Book 1

The land of Allon was a paradise until the fall of the Guardians paved the way for the rise of the Dark Way. But an ancient prophecy speaks of a time to come when the Guardians will return and Allon will be restored — led by its rightful heir. Book 1 of the ​Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.

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