Seregn by Brooke Martin


A broken young woman and a terminally ill warrior learn to discern God’s voice and realise the power of love and self-sacrifice as they race to save not only a cursed king—but the very world itself.
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Savage Bred, Victoria McCombs

Savage Bred

In her desperate attempt to keep the fight away, Emme hatches a plan that involves trapping the only one who can put an end to the battles.
Victoria McCombs brings the Royal Rose Chronicles to a satisfying close and leaves readers hoping the ship’s remaining crew will find new journeys.
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Akiniwazisaga: Into The High Places, M. D. Boncher

Akiniwazisaga: Into The High Places

As the power vacuum in the capital tears at the fabric of the city, Leif’s mother fights to protect his inheritance against the rebel jarls.
Adrift, J. S. Rogers


Fallon returns to Ariboslia, but the creatures she’s there to save want her dead.
Akiniwazisaga: A Light Rises in a Dark World, M. D. Boncher

Akiniwazisaga: A Light Rises in a Dark World

Brother Finn, a monk sentenced to exile on pain of death, is stranded. Can he finish his original journey into exile before the snow comes?
M. D. Boncher’s fantasy novel Akiniwazisaga: A Light Rises in a Dark World is a fascinating blend of history, religion, and sinister folklore.

Shore Of Legends

Choosing a dangerous path in the vast mountain range above their town, Adrian Castello and his friends set out to investigate a mysterious local legend. Fantasy by Jordan M. Walton.
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Isle of Fire by Wayne Thomas Batson

Isle of Fire

Cat must choose whether to return to the ways of his notorious father and join the evil Merchant, or defy the Merchant and risk his life to save his friends.
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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C. S. Lewis

The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

This ocean journey takes Edmund, Lucy, their cousin Eustace, and the Narnian King Caspian to the Eastern Islands, beyond the Silver Sea, toward Aslan’s Country at the End of the World.
C. S. Lewis’s third Narnian story sails readers into exciting yet strange new worlds that test our heroes’ virtue.
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