Brimstone 1, Jasom William Karpf

Brimstone 1

A billionaire launches the first Christian rocket to intercept a UFO responding to interstellar Bible broadcasts.
The Reluctant Disciple, Jim O'Shea

The Reluctant Disciple

Is the increase in paranormal phenomena across the globe a harbinger of amazing things to come, or something much more sinister?
The Reluctant Disciple tours popular thematic attractions via disquieting paths.
Lorehaven review, spring 2019
Johnny Came Home, Tony Breeden

Johnny Came Home

John Lazarus searches for answers about why he can do extraordinary things. Is he human? Alien? Something more?
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The Ahriman Gate by Thomas and Nita Horn

The Ahriman Gate

This supernatural thriller tells the incredible story of a young Marine and his sister who discover information connecting the U.S. Government with UFOs. By Thomas and Nita Horn.
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