Jason Joyner’s second superhero tale Fractures offers a deft combination of action, spiritual themes, and the tribulations of growing up.
Lorehaven review, 2021


Superpowered teens must battle new enemies and their own selfish desires.
· November 2020 · for

Demarcus, Lily, Harry, and Sarah Jane are settling into their new reality post-Launch conference. They may not have to worry about Simon Mazor taking over the world anymore, but there’s still the typical teen stuff to manage, not to mention covertly developing their supernatural gifts as an extra-curricular activity.

The four can’t help wanting to use their powers for good. But when undercover footage of their abilities hits the Internet and two more powered teens-one who controls water and another who hijacks sound waves-enter the picture, they realize the situation is more than they can handle on their own.

Meanwhile, a figure from Demarcus’s past complicates his notions of who he is and where he’s heading. And the brokenness within Lily causes her to question how much darkness still lives within her.

What they don’t know is that there’s still an ancient prophecy other forces are working to fulfill. Even with their friend John Presbus as a spiritual guide and tech help from genius tinkerer Ratchet, they’ll see the potential for light or darkness in each of them.

It remains to be seen who will choose the light.

Book 2 of the Rise of the Anointed series.

Review of Fractures

· August 2021

High school is hard to navigate. Newfound superpowers would make these years even worse. Still, Demarcus and his friends want to use their supernatural gifts. It’s hard for them to avoid the world alone, and harder yet for the world to avoid them. With Fractures, Jason C. Joyner continues his saga of young superheroes that started in Launch. Like its predecessor, Fractures grounds itself in a world like our own and all the natural concerns of adolescence. Strongly religious, the novel explores spiritual darkness infecting the world and even the hearts of heroes. With its darker tone and catastrophic events, the story shapes a strong middle act. Although readers will need a third act to find resolution, Fractures offers a deft combination of action, spiritual themes, and the tribulations of growing up.

Best for: Teens and superhero fans.

Discern: Some violence, mostly involving teenagers; a man is possessed by a being whose nature is unclear.

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