In a dystopian future, online gaming is the ultimate escape … until one corporation lets lucky players play their favorite game on a distant planet.
Tony Breeden · September 2013 ·
for all adults, all teens+YA
In a dystopian future, online gaming is the ultimate escape … until one corporation gives a few lucky players the chance to play their favorite sword and sorcery game live and in person on a distant planet. In the inaugural Øtherworld campaign, the winners will face monsters, magic, warriors, dragons, and betrayal as they quest to find a weapon capable of stopping the dreaded Firelord and his armies. For one lowly janitor-turned-alchemical adventurer, the stakes are much higher. Someone wants him very, very dead. And in a world where no one is who they seem to be, Jarrod Luckbane has no idea who he can trust. Everything is not under control.
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