Introducing The Nominees – A Star Curiously Singing

In keeping with Read Christian Speculative Fiction Month, I thought it would be appropriate to introduce (starting in alphabetical order) the books that have been nominated for the CSACSF. This way you’ll have more than a title at your disposal when you consider what books you wish to read.
Primarily I’ll provide you with links so you can learn as much or as little as you need about each book and author in order to make a decision.
Today we’ll start with A Star Curiously Singing by Kerry Nietz (Marcher Lord Press).
Adult Christian futuristic science fiction
Sandfly is a debugger. He is property. Bought and paid for by his master, a relatively benign lord in a future Earth living under sharia law.
All other faiths but one have been banned. And the word of the great Imam is supreme.
Sandfly just wants to debug his master’s robots and avoid the mental pain shocks sent from the remote triggers owned by all the masters. But now he’s been called into Earth orbit. Apparently the masters have a new spacecraft—one capable of interstellar flight. And on its maiden voyage, the only robot on board went mad and tore itself limb from limb.
Why? Better question: does it pose any risk to humans?
When Sandfly reviews the bot’s files and replays its last moments, he hears something strange playing in the bot’s ears as they orbit Betelgeuse.
He hears singing.
Is it just solar winds interfering with the robot’s wiring? Or is it something else?
As Sandfly pieces together the clues, the masters spread the trap before his feet. Everyone is racing to the same conclusion, but only one side welcomes what that singing represents.
– from
What others are saying:
A Star Curiously Singing
- resonates with me the way Asimov did. Its social issues are carefully considered, informing the sci-fi plot. In the grand tradition of science fiction, the story turns on societal worldview
- … I am so refreshed to see a revival of the grand tradition of author speaking to reader, done in a futuristic way, no less. The spiritual element is slowly revealed, and again, very organic, very piquing, with a tug of the heart and a shiver down the spine. It is not overstated, but it is clear.
- – C.L. Dyck, reviewed at
Learn More.
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Finalist – Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Religious Fiction and Science Fiction categories
Obtain a Copy of A Star Curiously Singing:
from Marcher Lord Press
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Request a copy at a bookstore near you (ISBN# 978-0-9821049-8-9)
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[…] upshot is, I’ve begun posting a series over at the CSACSF site introducing the nominated books. I suggest you subscribe to CSACSF so that you’ll be sure to receive each of the […]