Kerry Nietz Discusses Amish Vampires In Space

Christian author and blogger Mike Duran, who initially posted a critical comment about Amish Vampires in Space upon its release, conducted an interview with author Kerry Nietz.
A sample of their exchange:
MIKE: I’ve been openly skeptical of this book, not because I’m a hater or dislike genre mash-ups, but because it seems like an inside joke, something that only Christian readers, familiar with Christian fiction and the Christian market, will “get.” As if it’s a poke in the eye of Amish readers and a Christian industry that’s catered to those readers. So, where am I wrong? I mean, why should I take this title seriously, as anything other than… a joke?
KERRY: You can take it any way you like. One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t control people’s perception. Case in point: make someone of the opposing political persuasion come over to your way of thinking on any issue, even something that seems blatantly obvious. Can’t be done—especially when emotions are involved.
Question: Why would a subcultural inside joke be objectionable? Why would a metafiction on Christian fiction be a bad thing?
Moreover, the actual book, which I’m a third through already, isn’t even a joke. It’s a very serious exploration (not even an ironic one!) about a fascinating collision of iconic pop-culture groups.
The Amish are a pop culture group? I think that would be news to any real Amish!
That’s the real issue with this book as far as I’m concerned, and all the romances connected with Amish. These are real people with strong beliefs, many that aren’t Biblical, but none that would lend themselves to horror stories. It feels exploitive to me.
Just to clarify, Becky, none of the people in any of my books (aside my memoire) are “real people.” 🙂 Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Kerry, that’s like saying a book about Southerners isn’t about real people. Well, sure, you’ve invented your characters, but “Amish” names a real group of people. I wonder if we would be so excited about a book entitled Jews, Vampires, and Space. Or Hispanics, Vampires, and Space.
But I really am not intending to single you out. I suspect you would never have thought about writing a story featuring Amish if it were not for the romances, which I also think may be exploitive.
Becky, my Amish Romance writer friend (who I’m calling Dutch Wolf) has written nearly a dozen titles in the genre. He told me, after reading my book, that it is no more exploitive than any of the works in the genre. And Dutch has many, many Amish readers who apparently have no problem with his work. In fact, he was able to ask an Amish friend about an issue we were uncertain about during the editing process.
As for how the book came to be, that tale is fairly well documented now. I discuss it on Mike’s site, but also Jeff has reprinted his foreword from the book on Vox Day’s site, which you can read here:
I meant the collision of the pop-culture version of “Amish.” Thing is, Nietz’s Amish actually may be more realistic than the versions in all those romance books, whose covers feature gorgeous trim blonde “Amish” with makeup. If Nietz is exploiting, it’s in a “past watchful dragons” sense. Inside the novel — I’m about two-fifths into it — there is plenty of “fish out of water” material, but no exploitation. In fact, it doesn’t take long to sympathize with the plight of these Amish even in this science-fiction world, and want for all of them to succeed.
Good answers to what feels like quite a hostile interview for the most part. I bought this book the other day and can’t wait to start reading it.