Nomination Additions

Here are the latest nominations, garnered from this site and at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. If you don’t see yours, check to be sure the book you nominated meets the award criteria and that you included the required information […]
Rebecca LuElla Miller on May 13, 2010 · 3 replies
Here are the latest nominations, garnered from this site and at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. If you don’t see yours, check to be sure the book you nominated meets the award criteria and that you included the required information (same link).
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The Firstborn
- Conlan Brown
- Realms
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- Robin Parrish
- Bethany House
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- Ted Dekker and Kaci Hill
- Thomas Nelson
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The Enclave
- Karen Hancock
- Bethany House
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Lost Mission
- Athol Dickson
- Howard Books
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- Stuart Vaughn Stockton
- Marcher Lord Press
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Eternity Falls
- Kirk Outerbridge
- Marcher Lord Press
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The Word Reclaimed
- Steve Rzasa
- Marcher Lord Press
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Curse of the Spider King
- Wayne Batson and Christopher Hopper
- Thomas Nelson Publishing
[…] now I’m collecting the nominations and posting them over at the award site (here and here). To be honest, I’m surprised at the growing number of […]
Rebecca, I see my name above in the list of authors but not my book in the list of books. Am I in? I won’t pester you again! Alison Pickrell
I’d like to nominate Bones of Makaidos by my friend Bryan Davis.