Nominations For 2009 Award

Let’s see if we can select a book to receive the 2009 Clive Staples Award for Christian Speculative Fiction. We need nominations. These must be Christian worldview science fiction/ fantasy/allegory/furturistic/supernatural novels published in English by a royalty paying press between […]
Rebecca LuElla Miller on Sep 18, 2009 · 20 replies
Let’s see if we can select a book to receive the 2009 Clive Staples Award for Christian Speculative Fiction. We need nominations.
These must be Christian worldview science fiction/ fantasy/allegory/furturistic/supernatural novels published in English by a royalty paying press between January 2008 and December 2008.
You may post the book title, author, and publisher you think is qualified for this award in a comment here or at Speculative Faith or at A Christian Worldview of Fiction.
Looking forward to seeing this list develop.
Cross posted at Speculative Faith and A Christian Worldview of Fiction
I’d like to nominate “Hero, Second Class” by Mitchell Bonds, published Oct. 2008 by Marcher Lord Press
Here’s another nomination for “Hero, Second Class” by Mitchell Bonds, published by Marcher Lord Press in October 2008.
(Yes, I’m related–but it’s a really good book!)
I nominate “Hero, Second Class” by Mitchell Bonds, published by Marcher Lord Press in October 2008.
I, also, nominate “Hero, Second Class” by Mitchell Bonds, published by Marcher Lord Press in October 2008.
I nominate “Hero, Second Class” by Mitchell Bonds, published by Marcher Lord Press in October of 2008.
I would like to nominate “hero Second Class by Mitchell Bonds which was published by Marcher Lord Press in October of 2008. Great Read
I would like to nominate “hero Second Class by Mitchell Bonds which was published by Marcher Lord Press in October of 2008. Great Read
I too nominate Hero, Second Class by the one and only Mitchell Bonds published in October 2008 by Marcher Lord Press.
FYI, once a book has been nominated, it doesn’t need further mention.
I appreciate the comments and involvement, so I want to encourage fans of a particular book to tell others to read it and involve themselves in the voting process when the nominations are all in.
Thanks for your participation.
I would like to nominate my book, The Victor for this award. It was released April 14, 2009 and was published by Tate Enterprises. It is a blatant allegory of the Bible/Gospels as a fantasy/fiction for ages 11 up to adults.
I nominate “Hero, Second Class” by Mitchell Bonds, Oct. 2008, Marcher Lord Press
I nominate George Bryan Polivka for the Trophy Chase trilogy.
Marlayne, your book would be eligible next year. Though this is the 2009 award, it is over books published in 2008.
Christina, once a book has been nominated, it doesn’t need additional nominations, but I hope you come back and add your vote when it’s time.
Phyllis, we’re looking for a single title published in 2008, so if you could be specific, I’ll happily add the book.
[…] Also, check out the list of nominations for the Clive Staples Award. Be sure your choice is on the list and remember, these are books published in 2008. You can see the requirement details in the post opening nominations. […]
I nominate A Dark Orange Farewell by George L. Duncan. This book was published in 2008 by OakTara Publishing.
I would like to nominate Chris Walley, author of “The Lamb Among the Stars” trilogy that concluded with “The Infinite Day” [published in May, 2008].
I have read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi in my life, including writing giants such as Tolkien, Steven Erikson, Glen Cook, and I was excited to find a Christian artist who could rise to their level.
Also, I have seen a lot of internet propaganda in regards to authors/books and, if part of your decision is influenced by the amount of nominations for one book, I would caution that the amount of similar advocations for “Hero, Second Class” is quite suspicious.
You mean I’m not forgotten? Wow. Thanks Nolan!
Chris Walley
Nolan, as I said in an earlier comment to someone else, repeated nominations are unnecessary. The nominating process is completely separate from the voting process.
Thanks to everyone who has nominated a book. Check the updated list to see that yours has been correctly entered, and tell your friends and neighbors about the contest. We should open the voting in a week or so.
I nominate my own book, the pre-teen fantasy fiction book “hunter brown and the secret of the shadow” 😉
I would like to nominate Asulon, book one of The Sword of Fire series by William R. McGrath, published by PTI Press.