Whoo-hoo! It’s Two

Two more days before we begin voting for the five CSA finalists.
Rebecca LuElla Miller on Jul 6, 2013 · Share a reply
Two more days before we begin the process of narrowing down our list of thirty-three Clive Staple Award nominees to five finalists. Today we’re featuring the fifth group of books readers nominated.
Prophetess (Winter Book 2) Keven Newsome (Splashdown Darkwater)
Failstate by John W. Otte (Marcher Lord Press)
Soul’s Gate by James Rubart (Thomas Nelson)
Moonblood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl (Bethany House)
Starflower by Anne Elizabeth Stengl (Bethany House)
Star Of Justice by Robynn Tolbert (Splashdown Books)
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