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181. What If You Fell Into Classic Paintings? | Beneath the Swirling Sky with Carolyn Leiloglou

In this new series, framed artworks become magical portals to other worlds, thanks to one homeschool mom and middle-grade author.
Fantastical Truth on Sep 26, 2023 · Reply

Vincent is so done with Art and all that. But his mom and uncle just won’t stop going on about the amazing colors and composition of great masters like his namesake. Then his little sister disappears into a famous painting. What’s a lad to do? Join us for this fantastic journey Beneath the Swirling Sky with homeschool mom and middle-grade author Carolyn Leiloglou!

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  1. Enclave Publishing: The Looking-Glass Illusion by Sara Ella
  2. The Lorehaven Guild
  3. The Pop Culture Parent by Ted Turnau, E. Stephen Burnett, and Dr. Jared Moore

Carolyn Leiloglou

Introducing author Carolyn Leiloglou

Carolyn Leiloglou (lay-LAW-glue) is the author of the middle grade fantasy novel Beneath the Swirling Sky and the picture book Library’s Most Wanted. Carolyn is the granddaughter of art collectors, daughter of an art teacher, and homeschooling mom to four wildly creative kids. She’s an award-winning author whose poems and short stories have appeared in children’s magazines around the world, including Clubhouse Jr. Carolyn also reviews her favorite children’s books on her platform, House full of Bookworms. Her newest book, middle-grade fantasy Beneath the Swirling Sky, released this month.

1. Which artworks and ideas led you to this world?

2. In our digital-driven age, why delight in art?

3. What is next for you and The Restorationists?

Quotes and notes

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Com station

Nancy Pearcey herself saw Stephen’s social share of ep. 179:

This post proves that artistic people understand books better than most people.

Joe finds good men in anime/live-action One Piece:

Usopp … as of his introductory arc in season 1, is a good young man. He lays his life down to protect his village, turns down an opportunity to inflate his ego, and acts as a father to his crew of young pirates.

Another One Piece real man: Zeff, owner of the floating restaurant with the fighting cooks. That dude is such a giga-chad dad to Sanji, the way he sacrificed for him and mentored him.

Also in the Lorehaven Guild, Mahina remarked:

Theo from the Morgan L. Busse’s Secret in the Mist [is] willing to put his life [0n the line] and risk his reputation, fortune and safety to save those less fortunate than him by carrying on the scientific work that got his parents killed. Also taking care of and loving Cass in a respectful way.

Next on Fantastical Truth

This spooky season, a storm is coming, and it will change your dreary Kansas land from its 1938 sepia tones into a magical world with a Yellow Brick Road plus little people and urban studio legends and, just in time for Halloween, a famously wicked Western witch. From movies to musicals to the original books by L. Frank Baum, we’re exploring The Wizard of Oz. What are the wonderful things he does? And why has this older fantasy captured the imaginations of so many people, including Zack’s own sister Nicole?

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Fantastical Truth

    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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