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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Desperate to assure their billions of clients that the Miracle Treatment really does work, company executives call in private investigator Rick Macey. Macey’s job is to find out what really happened to Greta Darling — or, failing that, to simply come up with some other explanation for how she died.
In the far future, the civilized worlds have finally been freed of the curse of religion and have banned the Bible. Then teenager Bade finds a certain book.
Young Achan Cham dreams of serving in the Kingsguard Knights, but he is a stray—worse than a slave—and such aspirations are out of his reach. Worse, Achan is beginning to hear strange voices in his head.
Master of disguise Charles Graves goes undercover to infiltrate one of the last Christian cells in the South. But sometimes he who persecutes the church is destined to serve her.
In the future, you can transfer your consciousness into an artificial body — known as a personifid — and cheat death indefinitely. But human beings aren’t the only ones who want those bodies. Adult science fiction by R.E. Bartlett.
Cyrus will have to call on his friends, a beautiful young cat girl, and all the power of the Capital Letters and Arbitrary Numbers if he is to live to become a full-fledged Hero. Book 1 in the Hero Complex comedy fantasy series, by Mitchell Bonds.
In a medieval fantasy world in which the realm of man is dominated by a rich and powerful Church, the Most Sanctified Charity IV decides the time is ripe to make a conclusive inquiry: do elves have immortal souls?