The Story Raider
In this brilliant sequel to The Story Peddler, Lindsay Franklin spins the tale of Tanwen and the Corsyth Weavers as they travel the world in search of a cure to the curse that’s slowly killing a member of their company. But Tanwen has a secret—the curse has begun to afflict her as well. Meanwhile, Queen Braith attempts to restore order to Tir, but the puppet master who helped Braith’s father rise to power has a plan to regain control that includes hunting Tanwen and the Weavers and inciting riots amongst the Tirian peasants, putting everyone Tanwen loves at risk. More adventure, higher stakes, and betrayal at every turn make The Story Raider a sequel that exceeds expectations and will leave readers begging for the final story.
Best for: Anyone who enjoys adventure and intrigue in a compelling fantasy.
Discern: Violence and some references to sexual assault.
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