/ summer 2018 / Reviews

The Unlikely Intrusion of Adams Klein

J. R. Greco’s The Unlikely Intrusion of Adams Klein serves an intriguing story of a boy who is sent back in time to the twenty-first century for protection against a paranoid dictator in a dystopian future. The future world is excellent and very detailed, and the time travel and technology are believable. The characters are fun and engaging, and easily relatable, with real-life issues like bullying and crushes intruding on Adams Klein as he runs from robot assassins and tries to get back to his own time. At first the villain was a little too cartoonishly evil, and some transitions were hard to follow. But overall this is a fun, engaging adventure with fantastic worlds and action.

Best for: Teens and young adults who like complex worlds and technology.

Discern: Some violence and references to drugs and drug use.

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