Ageless Fantasy

One of the things I love most about Fantasy is its ability to transcend age limits. When well written, even fantasy written for kids or young adults can be an incredibly meaningful and insightful read for adults of any age. Something that is much harder in any other genre (from what I can see).
I’m not totally sure what all contributes to this fact, though I have a strong suspicion that it is in the ability to layer symbols and analogies in ways that impact people differently at different ages.
Or maybe it’s because well-written fantasies don’t talk down to their readers, but can also convey a sense of innocence and wonder that appeals to all ages. A sense that there is some right in the world and that there are people who can stand against it and prevail.
What are some of your favorite fantasy stories written for Children (and I’m gonna assume most of you will say Narnia, so think of something else).
Share your fantastical thoughts.