Contest News

First, I want to apologize for two things. I misled readers by saying I would post the winner of The Restorer’s Journey on Monday during the CSFF tour for Marcher Lord Press. I got my dates mixed up and the tour isn’t until next week.
On top of that, I didn’t even post on Monday—something that doesn’t happen very often. I had my overdue yearly eye exam and as they are wont to do, they dilated my eyes, which brought an end to my work day. I should have anticipated this and had the blog post up before I went, but that didn’t happen.
All that to say, I am sorry for the delay in announcing the winner of our drawing, the first of many more, I hope.
One additional item. I suppose this is one of those examples of the last shall be first, because our winner is none other than our last commenter, Becca Dowling. Congratulations! And thanks to the others who participated.
If you’re a contest junkie, I’ll refer you to Donita K. Paul’s new site, Dragon Bloggin’. She’s had a sequence of contests connected to the upcoming Motiv8 Fantasy Tour, and I think she has several more in the works. They’re easy and fun.
Another contest, with a considerably bigger prize, is the one Jeff Gerke is running to help kick off the first titles coming out with Marcher Lord Press. You’ll want to stop by next week to get the details of that one, or get a head start and click on over there right now.
While we’re on the subject of contests, check out Christopher and Allan Miller’s Cupbearer Challenge. These brothers, you might remember, are the authors of the Hunter Brown series (Warner Press), a new middle grade fantasy I mentioned several weeks ago. If you know any kids, I think this is a series you might want to introduce them to. It’s never too early to think about Christmas shopping either. But check out the contest and read the book for free, if you choose. It’s available at their site as well.
Last bit of contest info. This coming week in Minnesota, ACFW is holding their conference and will announce the winners of their Genesis contest and their Book of the Year contest. Both have Speculative Fiction divisions, so I’m looking forward to hearing who will be recognized this year. I’ll make a point to let you know the results.
Share your fantastical thoughts.