List Of 2014 CSA Nominations

The following is the list of 2014 Clive Staples Award readers’ choice nominations (in alphabetical order by the author’s last name):
Storm by Evan Angler (Thomas Nelson)
Rage’s Echo by J.S. Bailey (Tate Publishing)
Son of Truth by Morgan Busse (Marcher Lord Press)
A Cast of Stones by Patrick W. Carr (Bethany House)
The Hero’s Lot by Patrick W. Carr (Bethany House)
Exodus Rising by Bryan Davis (AMG Publishing / Living Ink Books)
Broken Wings by Shannon Dittemore (Thomas Nelson)
Dark Halo by Shannon Dittemore (Thomas Nelson)
The Darker Road by L.B. Graham (AMG Publishers / Living Ink Books)
Heroes of the Horde 1: Unleashed by Jennifer Hartz (Desert Breeze Publishing)
Future Savior Book 5: Revelation by Jennifer Hartz (Desert Breeze Publishing)
Never to Live by Just B. Jordan (Marcher Lord Press)
King by R. J. Larson (Bethany House)
Shadow Chaser by Jerel Law (Thomas Nelson)
Truth Runner by Jerel Law (Thomas Nelson)
A Hero’s Throne by Ross Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
The Shadow Lamp by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
Secrets Kept by J. L. Mbewe (AltWit Press)
Constant Tower by Carole McDonnell (Wildside Press)
Anomaly by Krista McGee (Thomas Nelson)
Luminary by Krista McGee (Thomas Nelson)
Amish Vampires in Space by Kerry Nietz (Marcher Lord Press)
The Circle Girls: Once Upon A Witch by Anya Novikov (Watershed Books)
Failstate: Legends by John Otte (Marcher Lord Press)
Memory’s Door by James L. Rubart (Thomas Nelson)
Sandstorm by Steve Rzasa (Marcher Lord)
Nightriders by Marc Schooley (Marcher Lord Press)
The Sinners’ Garden by William Sirls (Thomas Nelson)
Dragonwitch by Anne Elisabeth Stengl (Bethany)
Merlin’s Blade by Robert Treskillard (Blink)
Merlin’s Shadow by Robert Treskillard (Blink)
Captives by Jill Williamson (Blink)
Congratulations to all the authors nominated. Great achievement.